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Focusing is a mindfulness practice to come into contact with the richness of lived experience. In contrast to most other mindfulness practices, it includes the use of language. In Focusing we practice how our words stay in touch with our experience. I provide training courses (see below) as well as one on one session. To find out more about focusing, click here.

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Lassalle House, Zug, Switzerland


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TAE is a philosophical method for inquiry that was developed by Mary Hendricks and Eugene Gendlin at the University of Chicago. It has three clusters of steps.

  • 1st cluster: engaging a „felt sense“ of a problem, issue, subject matter or question. Practicing with the resonating/responsive relation of experienced meaning and symbols/formulations.
    Letting clarifying meanings emerge.

    Becoming able to say more of the intricacy of implicit knowing than one usually can.
    Experimenting with an experiential precision.


  • 2nd cluster: Thinking with the complexity of actual experiences.
    Experiential relating as diffracting.
    Inductive structures.
    Experiential and situational understanding as the „lenses“ with which we „look
    “when we think.


  • 3rd Cluster: Thinking with different kinds of oders: logical and experiential, having both inform, precision each other.
    Making implicit experiential structuring explicit is a clarification with transformative potential: one becomes able to say more and think/feel and experience further. 


Individual Sessions: I apply embodied critical thinking methods and my experience in working with them in individual sessions for people that want to clarify their goals and ideas of a creative or research project, or any other project that matters to them. I also work with small creative teams. 

  TAE Sources
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