In contrast to most other mindfulness practices, Focusing is an attentional practice that cultivates a thoughtful use of language. In Focusing, one practices how words, also conceptual and abstract formulations, don't lose the precision of implicit, experienced meaning. I provide training courses in the context of academic research, but also beyond academia, as well as individual sessions.
To find out more about focusing, click here.
TAE is a philosophical practice of inquiry developed by Mary Hendricks and Eugene Gendlin at the University of Chicago. It involves three kinds of moves.
1st cluster: engaging a „felt sense“ of a problem, issue, subject matter or question. Practicing with the resonating/responsive relation of experienced meaning and symbols/formulations.
Becoming able to formulate more precisely the intricacy of felt meaning as a relevant background of a topic.
Experimenting with an experiential precision.
2nd cluster: Thinking with the complexity of actual experiences.
Experiential relating as diffracting. Experiential and situational understanding as „lenses“ to open up perspectives.
3rd Cluster: Thinking with different kinds of oders: logical and experiential, having both inform, precision each other.
Making implicit experiential structuring explicit.
Individual and team sessions: for researchers or professionals that want to clarify their intuitions and ideas of a a project that matters.
TAE Sources
Eugene Gendlin, “Thinking at the Edge: A New Philosophical Practice ,” The Folio, Volume 19, Number 1, 2000-2004
Eugene Gendlin, "Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning". Chicago, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1962.
Donata Schoeller, "Thinking at the edge in the context of embodied critical thinking: Finding words for the felt dimension of thinking within research", Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 22/2022
Donata Schoeller, Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, "Embodied Critical Thinking. The Experiential Turn and its Transformative Aspects". In PhiloSOPHIA, vol.9.1, 2019.
Donata Schoeller, "Close Talking statt Smalltalk.”Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 20.01.2018.
Donata Schoeller, “Somatic Semantic Shifting: Articulating Embodied Cultures .” In Thinking Thinking: Practicing Radical Reflection; Phenomenology, Pragmatism, Psychotherapy, edited by Donata Schoeller and Vera Saller, 112–135. Freiburg/Br.:Alber, 2016. [Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologische Anthropologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (DGAP);5]
Donata Schoeller “Anfang: ein hermeneutisch pragmatistischer Annäherungsversuch.” In Kehrseiten: Eine andere Einführung in die Philosophie, edited by Natalie Pieper and Benno Wirz, 15–35. Freiburg/Br.: Alber, 2014.
Satoko Tokumaro, "Qualitative Research with TAE Steps: Thinking at the Edge, Theory and Applications". Tokyo, Japan: Keisuisha, 2011.