Pragmatismus, Phänomenologie und Politik: Dewey, Merleau-Ponty und Pelluchon
Block-Seminar, University of Koblenz
Seminar, Summer 2022
Philosophical Foundations of Embodied Critical Thinking
Webinar and lecture-series, Spring 2021 and 2022
TECT Erasmus + Course, Universities of Iceland, Ljubljana, Jena, Groningen, Technion
Hannah Arendt: Elemente und Urspruenge totaler Herrschaft
University of Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, summer 2020
Pioniere der Umweltethik: Hans Jonas, Albert Schweitzer, Peter Singer et al.
University of Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, summer 2020
Interaktion statt Dualismus: Einfuehrung in die Prozess-Epistemologie
University of Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, summer 2020
Mystik, Metaphysik und Kritik: Meister Eckhart, Jakob Boehme, Schelling, Hegel und Nietzsche
University of Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Lecture series, summer 2020
Embodied Critical Thinking Workshop
Max-Weber Kolleg, University of Erfurt, Germany
Workshop, February 2020
Philosophie der Verkörperung und kreative Praxis
Filmakademie Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany
Block-seminar, January 2020
Knowledge in Enactive Terms: Implications for Research-Practice
Technion, Haifa, Israel
Block-seminar, spring 2017/ winter 2019
Kritik der Lebensformen: Kritischen Theorie, Resonanztheorie und Tierethik
Universität Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, summer 2019
Hannah Arendt
Universität Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, summer 2019
Epistemologie unter den Vorzeichen des Embodiment
Universität Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, summer 2019
Immanuel Kant: Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten
Universität Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, summer 2019
Thinking thinking: Introducing pioneers of embodied cognition
University of Iceland
Lectures/seminar, Spring 2019
Environmental and Situated Cognition
Technion, Haifa, Israel
Interdisciplinary block-seminar, December 2018
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Block-seminar (each 5 days), December 2017/ 2018/ January 2020
University of Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Seminar, autumn 2018
Workshop, July 2018
Invited teacher, Zentrum für Aufklärung, kritisches Denken und Pluralität, University of Luzern, Switzerland
Swiss Economy Forum, Zurich, Switzerland
Master Classes, June 2018
Übungen an Hintergründen: William James, John Dewey, John Searle, Claire Petitmengin, Eugene Gendlin (Fortsetzung)
University of Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Block-seminar, spring 2018
European Summer Research Institute of the Mind and Life Institute
Summer-school 2018 and 2020
Begriffliche Tiefe- erlebte Präzision: William James, John Dewey, John Searle, Claire Petitmengin, Eugene Gendlin
University of Koblenz, Institute of Philosophy, Germany
Block-seminar, autumn 2017
Experiential Concept-Formation in the Context of Peace, Conflict and Justice Studies
DePaul University, Chicago, USA
Graduate seminar, autumn 2017
Background, Feeling and Creativity: Embodied Cognition and its Implications for Reasearch
Technion, Haifa, Israel. Click here to learn more
Block-seminar for graduates, March 2017
Embodied Mind and Situated Knowledge
Summer School Gender and Philosophy, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
July 2016
Alternative Epistemology: Embodied Mind and its implications for thinking
University of Chicago, Divinity School, Chicago, USA
Block seminar, spring 2016
Embodied Critical Thinking applied to Dissertation Projects
University of Chicago, Divinity School, Chicago, USA
Workshops, spring 2014, summer 2015, spring 2016
Kantian Critique and its Pragmatist Critics (Kant, James and Dewey)
DePaul University, Philosophy Department, Chicago, USA
Seminar/ lecture, winter 2015
Mystical Traditions in Philosophy: Plotinus, Meister Eckhart, Nikolaus von Kues, Jakob Boehme, Schelling, Hegel
DePaul University, Philosophy Department, Chicago, USA
Seminar/ lecture, autumn 2014
Understanding Gendlin’s A Process Model
International Summer School of DAF, Lindau, Germany
2014 - today
Why do Philosophers Talk about Films? On the Functions of Art und Psychotherapy in Philosophy today (Cavell, Pippin, Gendlin)
University of Klagenfurt, Institut für Philosophie, Germany
Block-seminar, autumn 2013
Epistemology of Classical Pragmatism (continuation)
ETH Zurich, Professur für Philosophie, Switzerland
Seminar, spring 2012
Epistemology of Classical Pragmatism (Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, John Dewey, George Herbert Mead)
ETH Zurich, Professur für Philosophie, Switzerland
Seminar, autumn 2011
Embodied Critical Thinking applied to Dissertation Projects
University of Zurich, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland
Block-seminar, autumn 2010
On the Development of Thought: From vague Beginnings to Theory (Gilbert Ryle, Thomas Nagel, Michael Polanyi, Herman Schmitz, Stanley Cavell, Eugene Gendlin). With N. Sieroka
ETH Zurich, Professur für Philosophie, Switzerland
Seminar, spring 2010
Dilthey: Experiencing, Expressing, Understanding. With C. Abbt.
Seminar, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland
Seminar, winter 2008/ 2009
Process-Philosophy in Ancient, Modern und Contemporary Philosophy: Aristotle, Jakob Boehme, Hegel, Whitehead, Gendlin. With N. Sieroka
ETH Zurich, Professur für Philosophie, Switzerland
Seminar, autumn 2009
Das Denken der Mystik
Volkshochschule Zürich, Switzerland
Lecture-series, autumn 2009
Merleau-Ponty. W. C. Abbt
Blockseminar, spring 2008
University of Dresden, Institut für Philosophie, Germany
Critique of Religion in the German Enlightment (Lessing, Reimarus) und the Spinoza-Debate. With H. Holzey
University of Zurich, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland
Seminar, summer 2002
University of Zurich. Click here to learn more
Seminar, 2001 - 2020
Immanuel Kant’s Prolegomena
University of Zurich, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland
Proseminar, winter 2000/ 2001
Augustinus: Soliloquia
University of Zurich, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland
Proseminar, summer 2000
From Hegel to Nietzsche. W. H.J. Braun
University of Zurich, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland
Colloquia, 5 terms, 1998 - 2001
Thinking Oneness. Spekulative Motives in Plotinus, Meister Eckhart and Nikolaus of Kues
University of Zurich, Philosophisches Seminar, Switzerland